Saturday, August 15, 2009

My cervix is WHERE?

Getting checked - Okay nobody told me my cervix was wayyyyy up there. After looking at diagrams and drawings of the female anatomy, I thought I knew where my uterus and cervix was and where the baby was in relation to it. However, how it phsycially feels is a completely different story. My OB started checking me about 3 weeks before I was due and it HURT. I remember thinking geez, how far is her hand going in? I had my fists and teeth clenched. Perhaps it is just my body since a girlfriend of mine had no problems and didn't feel pain when she was checked. Lucky me.

Upon admission to the hospital, you will get checked a zillion times by a zillion people. I almost cried when the next nurse on duty was a very large woman with very large hands. I should've told her to get my Dr. but she checked anyway and couldn't get her hand that far up, so she had to get the doctor anyways. AHHHH. Word to the wise - if you have reservations, voice them. An epidural is also amazing in that I did not feel being checked while it was effective.

Another minor tidbit - at the end when you are pushing, the OB checks you at the SAMETIME as your contraction. OMG - not only are contractions painful, but having someone put their hand far up into your body hurts like I could not believe. I did not have the epidural on at this time. My poor baby ended up a C-section because his head was stuck and my OB said he had not dropped down past zero station. Apparantly his head was behind my cervix? And she had to reach up and behind to check me.

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