Saturday, August 15, 2009

Did I just pee or did my water break?

Unlike some women, I had no early signs of impending dilating, no Braxton Hicks contractions...not a clue. Sunday morning we went to church and I even told a friend there that I felt nothing even though I was due in one week. Later around midnight as I got ready for bed, I went to the bathroom one last time and wondered - Did I just pee or did my water break?

There wasn't a gush, neither was there a trickle down my leg. I just went to the bathroom and more fluid came out then normal. I called the Dr. who said to come into the hospital to be sure. Most likey they would send me home, but bring a packed bag just in case and leave it in the car. In the next 2 hrs. I kept needing to go to the bathroom every couple minutes and more "water" would come out. I don't know if I was subconsciously holding it in, but I would only let the amniotic fluid come out when I was on the toilet. But I knew it was not normal and it was happening.

Interestingly the nurse at the hospital insisted that it was urine and kept doing the paper test. A girlfriend of mine said her experience was similar and she couldn't convince the nurse either that her water broke. Why is it hard to believe? So I was admitted - hospital gown put on and spent the next 4 days on that little mechanical bed.

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